It has been quite a time since the smoking ban was brought into force. I still remember how happy and relieved I was when I heard of this rule for the first time. Most of us cannot even stand the smell of the smoke coming out from the cigarettes. It is this unfortunate group of people that has suffered the most because of people smoking in public, and it is also believed that passive smoking is more hazardous than active smoking. This is not something that the government, you or I or any smoker is unaware of. We know everything that affects us, yet we behave as if we are ignorant. But by enforcing a ban on smoking in public, the government had done a really good job. “Good” is relative though.
The ban seems to have fallen on deaf ears, not only ears but eyes, nose and mouth too. I still see people standing at the “pan-wallah” stalls and sending beautiful patterns of smoke into the air from various openings on their face. Ask them about the ban and they reply, “Main akela nahin peeta, sab peete hain” meaning “ I m not the only one who smokes, everyone does that.”
In the first place, the basic truth of life is one can’t change others, its only that he can change himself. Others may realize and change themselves. So forcing a ban doesnot make sense. If at all the government is so concerned about the health of the non smokers, then the ban should have been of a much higher degree of strictness and smoking in public should have been treated as a crime. Well, that is not happening.
Secondly, most of the people who smoke are well educated people, who are aware of the ban. This is for all those of you who know about the ban and still smoke in public: Do you have any sense of understanding left in your box or has it been blown off with the smoke? Why is it that you cannot understand the basic commandment of life- “Donot do unto others what you would not want them to do unto you.” Would you not mind if someone would do something that could cost you your life? Put yourself into the shoes of the other person, only then will you understand how bad the shoe stinks!
It is time to wake up and realiize that change is possible only if we are ready to give ourselves to it, the moment you change, the world changes for you. Stop following the herd, rather quit smoking and lead the way. And if you still did not understand how to get rid of smoking, trust me, Cancer surely cures smoking…. (darkangel, are you reading?)
Yes, my friend.
For some chronic smokers, Cancer is the only cure.
sum of d punch lines r just too gud and catchy...!
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