I smile at myself when i remember my early years of life. I was a good student who topped the exams every year. I had loads of knowledge about my syllabus and the subjects but no wisdom otherwise. I could rote everything in
the book and vomit it out in the exams but if asked anything apart from the subject, I would start grumbling. The reason being that I was not used to being speechless about a question (I knew everything man!) and the fact that I couldn't answer it hurt my ego. I was no good at anything else and sports were a big no-no for me. I liked watching cartoons and munching on chips. Apart from studying and eating, I had no other interests. As time passed, the subjects kept getting tougher and I lost my numero uno position. Since then I never gained it back. I was amongst the top students but never at the top again.
But during those years, I learnt a lesson that has proved beneficial to me till date. Although I couldn't make it to the top, I always knew more than what was there in the book. I was considered to be the best person to get the doubts cleared because I knew much more than anyone else. It is then that I started to realize that my learning process had changed completely. I never had to learn things by rote. I could understand them well and use my own methods to form the answer. Though it never helped me to score full marks, I always had a deep contentment inside me. This approach of doing things on my own changed my attitude forever.
I started taking interest in other activities like reading novels, participating in sports and within no time, I started winning on all fronts. I would be ever ready to volunteer for a task someone had backed off from doing and would try to do it in the best possible way. I kept on challenging myself against more and more difficult situations and was successful in most of the cases. TODAY, after twenty years of existence, I feel I have understood the way of living life to the fullest. It doesnot mean you go out there and have all the fun and adventure as if it was your last day alive, but rather challenge yourself everyday, every moment. Most of us are victims of the "I can't do it" attitude and we say this even before trying to do the task. One cannot judge one's capabilities until trying them out. If you feel something’s beyond your reach, do give it a shot. In the process, you might end up increasing the range of your reach. Try and fail but never fail to try.

But during those years, I learnt a lesson that has proved beneficial to me till date. Although I couldn't make it to the top, I always knew more than what was there in the book. I was considered to be the best person to get the doubts cleared because I knew much more than anyone else. It is then that I started to realize that my learning process had changed completely. I never had to learn things by rote. I could understand them well and use my own methods to form the answer. Though it never helped me to score full marks, I always had a deep contentment inside me. This approach of doing things on my own changed my attitude forever.
I started taking interest in other activities like reading novels, participating in sports and within no time, I started winning on all fronts. I would be ever ready to volunteer for a task someone had backed off from doing and would try to do it in the best possible way. I kept on challenging myself against more and more difficult situations and was successful in most of the cases. TODAY, after twenty years of existence, I feel I have understood the way of living life to the fullest. It doesnot mean you go out there and have all the fun and adventure as if it was your last day alive, but rather challenge yourself everyday, every moment. Most of us are victims of the "I can't do it" attitude and we say this even before trying to do the task. One cannot judge one's capabilities until trying them out. If you feel something’s beyond your reach, do give it a shot. In the process, you might end up increasing the range of your reach. Try and fail but never fail to try.
“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.”
1 comment:
Nice views, my friend.
Mine are slightly different but I appreciate yours nonetheless.
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